Thursday, September 9, 2010

Book Review: She Smells the Dead


Title: She Smells the Dead

Author: E.J. Stevens

Publisher: Sacred Oak Press

Pages: 168

Summary: It's the beginning of senior year and Yuki's psychic awareness of ghostly spirits is threatening to ruin her life. Her ability to sense spirits of the dead isn't glamorous like the ghost hunting on television.


The smell impressions are becoming stronger. Yuki is being visited in her dreams, and she suspects that her friend Calvin is involved in something strange. To make matters worse her crush on Garrett is going unrequited, Yuki's friend Emma is on a rampage against bee oppression, and annoying Calvin Miller mysteriously disappears.

Will Yuki be able to focus her powers in time to save the lost soul who is haunting her? Meanwhile, who will save Yuki from following the spirits into the light?

Overall: 4.5 stars  


For some reason I had a really hard time thinking of what I was going to score She Smells the Dead. It had elements in which I both very much enjoyed and others not so much. But overall I was surprised at how much I loved this book! I mean that in a very good way. I had no idea what to expect from a book with the title She Smells the Dead and I was very happy with how it was all written and played out!

Yuki can smell the dead. She can smell the spirits of ghost that have not been able to pass over to the other side and are haunting in between the realms of the living and dead. It’s a strange gift, it’s a unique gift and she has learned to use it in a useful way with the help of her two friends Calvin and Emma. One of the things that I really think made this book was the characters! I can’t say that I didn’t like any of them. Calvin, Yuki’s best friend but maybe something more with a mysterious secret and good looks. Emma, Yuki’s vegan best friend who is on the constant rampage of how  people are killing animals and her skill with herbal medicines. Then, there’s Simon, who I just loved to bits! Read this book and find out his role in the book because it’s pretty freaking awesome. Let’s just say he’s a thirty-something man with good looks and a horribly flirty personality.

Through out the book Yuki is trying to help a spirit that seems to be haunting her, making her have the constant smell of vinegar in her nose. As she tries to solve the mystery of this man’s dead we also run into another person’s secret which was just another twist in the whole book. This book is part mystery, part romance, part adventure and all the things a person wants!

I loved the romance between Yuki and Calvin. It was very believable and sweet and I just want a Calvin for my own because he just sounds so yummy! At parts in the book I felt like the writing got a little repetitive and it was kind of hard to get into at the beginning but by the end I just wanted more more more! I seriously can’t wait for the next in the series, Spirit Storm!

A huge thanks to E.J. Stevens for sending me a copy of her book!

You can find E.J. on her WEBSITE and BLOG!

Order a copy of She Smells the Dead HERE!


1 comment:

Missie, The Unread Reader said...

Wow! Cool cover, and I'm familiar with the author and some of her poetry, but I had no idea about this book.

Isn't it fun when a book surprises you. I'm glad you enjoyed it. I will add it to my (too long) wish list!

Thanks for the review.

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