Sunday, September 26, 2010

I Need Your Help! Halloween Event!


So, for part of the month of October I’m going to be holding a Halloween Dead Books Celebration. I made a post earlier about it but now I need some of you guys out there to help me if you can. The event is me reading books that have ‘dead’ in their title. There will be author interviews, lots of giveaways, and some little contests. (For more info on it go HERE)

BUT, I’m looking for people who may be interested in writing a guest post (maybe on their favorite Halloween or a scary tale they have) OR if you have a book that has ‘dead’ in it’s title (or related to dead) an would like to review it for the event or something else you would can think of doing.

Please fill out the small form below if your interested please!

Thanks and make sure to look out for the event!


1 comment:

Carolina M. Valdez Schneider said...

Ha! I love this idea! the only book that comes to mind is The House of Dead Maids....

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